WAFFP 2025:
Golf Tournament: September 10th Conference: September 11th – 12th
Location: Chelan Washington on beautiful Lk Chelan at Campbell’s Resort
Golf Tournament – Bear Mountain Ranch

WSU Extension: Upcoming Training Opportunities: 2025
February 10th – 11th: BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9 – Tukwila
February 25th: Food Ingredient Technology Course – Seattle
February 24th – 27th: Packinghouse Hazard Analysis and CCP – Virtual
February 26th: Processing Acidified Foods – Mount Vernon
February 27th: Processing Acidified Foods – Monroe
Employment Opportunities:
Are you an official WAFFP member and would like to post a job opportunity? Email website editor Jeff Freshley for details

Be sure to like us on Facebook for all the latest updates!
The Washington Association for Food Protection is a non-profit association dedicated to providing members with a forum to educate and discuss the latest technologies and advancements in food safety.
Food Safety depends on the efforts of many disciplines working together. Our members include professionals from federal, state and local government agencies, educators, industry, vendors and allied suppliers.
We invite all food safety related professionals to join our efforts to protect the food supply and promote “Food Safety through Education.”
Mission Statement “To provide food safety professionals worldwide with a forum to exchange information on protecting the food supply.”
International Association for Food Protection
The IAFP Affiliate View is a quarterly published newsletter that provides valuable information to help you make the most of your membership.